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Hey Now,
This page is a multimedia page, so you may need to have DSL, Cable, or other high broad band connections to hear some of the music.
This free music is offered with nothing but pure love for you, the audiance, from the artists.
I say If ya like them than support them by going to a show or buying a sticker or CD or something.
Playing now is a unknown artist playing Liza Jane.
Have some great links to some wonderful Free music!
Shalacy Manderson, Melungeon Music Star |
Shalacy Manderson This Little Lady knows how to lay down some tracks and keep you wanting for more. Shalacy's Mother, Donna Porter writes of Bluegrass music;
The Bluegrass of Home
Although the dictionary defines Bluegrass as: "Country music that is polyphonic in character and is played on unamplified stringed instruments", can we really define that elusive mountain sound? Because growth is important with any type of music many new artist have changed the definition of bluegrass, but by blending the old with the new, by defining and redefining, and by sewing their own seeds, they have managed to carry on an irreplaceable part of our heritage.
In the short history of bluegrass music, many eras may have come and gone, with each having it's own voice and style but each new era holds true to it's roots like a wild and unyielding mountain flower. With each having it's own time to shine in the sun. Each has his own unique rhythm to sway and dance in the sweet mountain breeze until the time comes to wither and bow it's head. But in the same soil, and in the same vein, another is being born to take it's place, with the next having perhaps a little different shade of blue, but blue just the same. Keeping dear to our hearts the enduring and undeniable sounds of the bluegrass of home. Donna Porter 2002
Mark O'Connor, Mega Music Star |
I could not be more pleased Mark O'Connor has agreed to share 3 videos here. Click on the titles to see Appalachian Journey music videos from Mark O'Connor, Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer, and Alison Krause. Three selections are included here;
Emily's Reel, Mark O'Connor on the violin, Yo-Yo Ma on the Cello, and Edgar Meyer on the Bass. Appalachia Waltz, Mark O'Connor on the violin, Yo-Yo Ma on the Cello, and Edgar Meyer on the Bass. Slumber My Darling, with vocals by Alison Krause, Mark O'Connor on the violin, Yo-Yo Ma on the Cello, and Edgar Meyer on the Bass. This music is distributed by Sony Music.
Bill and Gary Denham Melungeon Pickin' Music Stars |
Billy and Gary Denham, wonderful talent out of Tennessee. Check out Billy's page and Music. Billy says "I wish my ancestors had kept their original Melungeon songs alive, but I understand that they left the Melungeon area to make a new life for themselves and their families; away from the prejudice and stereotyping that they were forced to live under. It seems they wanted to blend in with the white American society, and to do this they had to change many things about their way of life, which sadly included their music. They may not have preserved the actual Melungeon tunes, but they could not abandon their love for playing music. As I look at it, Melungeon music has blended in with other forms of music, much like the Melungeon people has blended in with other nationalities. I believe the music of the 1920s, 30s and even 40s contain the influence of Melungeon musicians.
Jean Ritchie, Country Music Star |
I hear tell Jean Ritchie 's Mama was a Sizemore and due to popular request here is a link to her video, just click on her name to see some fine dulcimer playing.
If you would like to have a link here to your music send me an email with a photo and a URL to your live music, or webcast of your videos I will hook you up! Just Email them to me, KPSB2@aol.com
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